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COURSE IN LIGHT: A Spiritual Path For Enlightenment

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Az Reality Publishers
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A Course in Light is a series of books with meditations and messages from ascended masters of the Order of Melchizedek. The first series includes four levels of focuses on the physical body, activating light energy for healing within the body. The second level utilizes the energy of healing within the emotional and perceptual nature. The third level directs light energy with positive affirmations for mental clearing. The fourth level directs the energy to the astral/etheric body to clear past impressions from patterns of difficult lives. A Course in Light is a series of books. Each series increases the development of the spiritual nature leading all to a closer ability to embrace the true nature of love and light. The books are a result of channeled material from the Order of Melchizedek to ascended masters and higher being of light. Each series is uniquely different while similar in content. The first series is a beginning process of integrating the awareness of light energy through chakra centers of light. Each series contains lessons that are profoundly effective in healing the mind, body and spirit. Series one has 10 lessons with meditations and messages directed to the physical through the first level of the light work. The second level is 12 lessons of meditations and messages for the emotional and perceptual levels of consciousness. The third level is directed with 11 lessons to the Mental body and the fourth contains 11 lessons for the astral/etheric body.

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