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TRUTH - THE: About The Five Primary Religions - 2nd edition

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Oracle Institute Press LLC
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This award-winning title presents a summary of the divine messages sent to us by God through our greatest prophets. When studied successively, these spiritual lessons form a tower of truth that should not be broken or interpreted along religious lines. The Truth explores the five primary religions that evolved after the prophets diedHinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islamto determine whether they are fostering Earth plane peace and leading us toward ethereal plane enlightenment. Indeed, these now-ancient religions have polarized humanity and brought us to the brink of World War III. Sadly, the global resurgence of religious fundamentalism is a direct result of the divisive and intolerant practices perpetuated by orthodox clerics, who are clinging to outdated mythology and impeding our spiritual progress. The Truth posits that humanity is on the brink of a new spiritual paradigm.

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