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MASKS OF CHRIST: Behind The Lies & Cover-Ups About The Life Of Jesus

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Picknett, Lynn & Prince, Clive
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From the gnostic gospels to the Nativity, religious mythology immortalized Jesus -- his personality, his actions, his words -- but what if they didn't tell the truth?Although an entire religion is based on his teachings, Jesus himself did not record any written accounts of his life or faith. He taught his followers orally, and our only sources about what Jesus actually said and believed, the Gospels, were written long after his lifetime. But the Gospel authors had their own agendas to promote and most certainly altered -- even distorted -- their leader's message.In The Masks of Christ, bestselling authors Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince peel away layers of mythology, canonical revisions, Church propaganda, and censorship in order to reveal who Christ really was -- and discover his true message to the followers of Christianity. Stripping away centuries of misinformation, Picknett and Prince dispel religious myths, unearth historical truths, and uncover the real stories behind some of the Bible's most famous tales -- including how Christ's long-hidden relationships with John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene shaped his beliefs and religious mission.Drawing on objective research, Picknett and Prince present the living, breathing Jesus and provide a context for Jesus' teachings in the time and society in which he lived -- and, most important, guidance on what the life and lessons of Jesus Christ mean to everyone today.

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