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DO-IT-YOURSELF GUIDE TO BIODIESEL: Your Alternative Fuel Solution For Saving Money, Reducing Oil Dependency & Helping Th

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Purcella, Guy
Ulysses Press
Containing the most current and complete information available for would-be biodiesel makers, 'Do-It-Yourself Guide to Biodiesel' offers a step-by-step path from the initial desire to do something good for the environment to the final stage of filling the tank with low-cost fuel. As the author tells how to break free from the grip of big oil, he counters the common myths about biodiesel with facts from university studies and his own extensive experience. The many benefits of biodiesel are detailed, including higher lubricity, increased engine life, cleaner burn, less toxicity, and faster biodegrading action. 'Do-It-Yourself Guide to Biodiesel' explains in simple terms the procedures and the equipment needed to make biodiesel at home, in small or large batches. Readers are given a complete understanding of what biodiesel is and how to make it properly and safely. There is even a section on pitfalls to avoid as well as the author's personal tips and tricks.


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