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HEALING SYNDROME O: A Guide To Fertility, PCOS & Insulin Balance

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Feinberg, Ronald F
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Understanding and overcoming the leading undiagnosed cause of infertility, miscarriage, menstrual problems, obesity, and hormonal disruption. Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which causes infertility and repeated miscarriage as well as more cosmetic problems, such as obesity that is resistant to normal weight-loss measures. Not surprisingly, women with this syndrome also suffer from depression and damaged self-esteem as a result. Thus far, medical science has had little to offer women with PCOS. In this book, however, leading reproductive specialist Dr. Ronald Feinberg provides a new way of looking at the disorder, linking it to bodywide metabolic irregularities, insulin resistance, nutrition, activity, and stress-a combination of health issues that collectively make up what he has termed 'Syndrome O.' And this understanding brings new hope for overcoming it. Written in a compassionate, inspirational, and motivational style, Healing Syndrome O discusses the causes and complications of this condition and provides a targeted plan to help women balance and repair their overall health, overcome symptoms, and, especially, restore their fertility.


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