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POWER OF DECISION: A Step-By-Step Guide To Overcoming Indecision & Creating Lasting Success

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Introducing the first book in a powerful new series, The Tarcher Master Mind Editions: Essential Books of Inspiration, Instruction, and Motivation. What mind can conceive, man can achieve. Our decisions impact every area of our lives. Making better decisions means living a better life. But how can we develop the habit of making great decisions? Every noteworthy achievement the world has ever seen was born with a single thought; and every great man who ever lived has been a man of decision. Raymond Charles Barker's The Power of Decision reveals this principle of success and illustrates the process of choice that all of us must take-and that all of us are capable, this very second, of taking-to change our lives and make our dreams come true. Indecisive people are failure prone, and Dr. Barker examines this basic truth while exploring the decision-making process in the individual, and the role of the subconscious mind in either abetting or thwarting each of our conscious decisions. He provides specific steps to shift the balance of decision-making power in your favor, and he brings to light the constant, ever-present power of will to change a situation- and yourself-for the better. Picking up The Power of Decision is the moment; and reading it is the decision that will change your life forever.


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