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CONTEMPLATIVE CROCHET: A Hands-On Guide For Interlocking Faith & Craft

$16.99 each

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SkyLight Paths
The rhythm of the hook, the touch of wool, the miraculous creation of beautiful fabric from yarn'any crocheter knows the satisfaction to be found in the simple act of crocheting. But is there a way to develop this sense of the spiritual into a deeper, more mindful practice?This joyful and engaging craft book will take you on a path deeper into your crocheting and your spiritual awareness. Follow the stories, musings and discoveries of the author and other crocheters as they illuminate the spiritual lessons you can learn through crocheting. Explore your own crocheting practice through original patterns, meditations, creative exercises, prayers and rituals. You will find yourself reaching for your hook and yarn as you read, inspired to take up your projects with a whole new state of mind.Projects include:Roots and Wings PaperweightsMeditation Prayer ShawlPocket MandalaPrayers on a String Prayer BeadsWay Opens ScarfFriends and Tea CozyScrumbled Tea SteeperCrochet Wristers'and much, much more!


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