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THINK YOURSELF FIT: A Mind & Body Workout For A Toned, New You

$12.95 each

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Thomas, Gloria
Cassell Illustrated
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Change your mind, and you can change your body--and your life--for the better. That's the central message of this powerful life-enhancement program, which helps you set realistic goals, offers tips for getting and staying motivated, shows how to break through the mental blocks that keep us from exercising, and includes a specially designed workout that will safely and effectively tone the body. You'll find practical exercises and affirmations to help you let go of the negativity and develop a more positive attitude that can help you turn thought into action and your dreams into reality. A 'think yourself fitness circuit' shows how to increase strength, stamina and suppleness, and covers everything from a warm-up to a cardiovascular routine to weight-lifting. You can enjoy better physical and emotional health, sharpen your focus, improve concentration and take real pleasure from the many benefits a more toned and fit body provides.


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