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ALL THE POWER: Revolution Without Illusion

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Andersen, Mark
Akashic Books
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'All the power is an ambitious and accessible mix of history, autobiography, and how-to manual. This 'anti-manifesto' challenges popular concepts of radical activism. Longtime inner-city organizer and punk rabble-rouser Mark Andersen takes aim at the illusions that tend to keep North American radicals self-satisfied but ineffective. A whirlwind tour across decades - through punk and student activism, identity and lifestyle politics, armed struggle, direct action, patriotism, globalization, and beyond - this book seeks a radicalism that is both rigorously self-critical and genuinely populist. Leaping from agrarian socialist experiments of the early twentieth century to embattled 1960s streets to the fiercely independent punk underground of the 1980s and '90s to the present-day global-justice movement, All the Power suggest how the seemingly most idealistic of enterprises - revolution - might be practically accomplished.'--BOOK JACKET.


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