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PRACTICAL SPIRITUALITY: Reflections On The Spiritual Basis Of Nonviolent Communication

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Rosenberg, Marshall B
Puddledancer Press
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According to Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D., our most basic spiritual need is to contribute to the well being of others and ourselves. His brief, unscripted reflections on the spiritual basis of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) will inspire you not only to connect with the Divine in yourself and others, but to begin to create a world of empathy and compassion, where the language we use is the key to enriching life. Discover an intensely satisfying and joyful spiritual experience that begins with you. In these rich pages, learn how NVC can help you achieve a more practical, applied spirituality.Discover how to:- Strengthen the connection between your actions and your spiritual values- Let go of enemy images and moralistic judgments, and experience our common humanity- Connect with others from a place of compassionate energy


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