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SAYING GOOD-BYE TO SOMEONE YOU LOVE: The Emotional Journey Through Grief

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Demos Medical Publishing
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'Saying `goodbye' to a dying loved one can be a tough experience but it is critical to the effective handling of grief after a loss. In this comprehensive book Dresser and Wasserman provide guidance on how we can help our loved ones and ourselves have an `appropriate death'--- a death that reflects one's goals, values, and life-style. The reader of this book will be moved by the many life stories that inform the heart as well as the mind.'---J. William Worden, PhD, ABPP, author of Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy and Children and Death: When a Parent Dies'An engrossing look at how to embrace end of life and grief. Filled with insight, empathy, and even a touch of humor to ease us through this inevitable life passage. Extraordinarily helpful for patients, families, professionals and anyone who will ever have to say goodbye to someone they love.'---David Kessler, co-author with Elisabeth Kubler Ross of On Grief and Grieving and author of Visions, Trips and Crowded RoomsSaying Goodbye to Someone You Love consists of moving narratives about end of life and grief. These personal histories are complemented by practical guidelines for those caring for their loved ones through the last stages of life. For those who are grieving, the true-to-life-stories demonstrate how others have navigated through the tidal wave of emotions and reactions that characterize the grief process. For health care professionals and those who are offering support to grievers, Saying Goodbye to Someone You Love provides a new perspective on the challenges of caring for the dying and living with grief.Our House Grief Support Center provides grief support to thousands of grieving children, teens, and adults each year on their journeys to hope and healing. A nonprofit, nonsectarian agency, Our House was founded in 1993 on the premise that grievers need understanding, support, and connection.


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