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GIVE IT UP! My Year Of Learning To Live Better With Less

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Carlomagno, Mary
William Morrow
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“Refreshing, inspiring, and honest….One book I’m not going to be ‘giving up’ anytime soon.”
—Nicole Williams, author of Earn What You’re Worth

Give It Up! is author Mary Carlomagno’s inspiring chronicle of her 365 days spent learning to live better with less—when she decided to give up one modern convenience (eg: elevators) or indulgence (eg: alcohol) every month for a year. A joyous celebration of voluntary simplicity, Give It Up! offers a solution and a liberating new outlook to shopaholics, jaded consumers, and spirituality seekers overwhelmed by the unnecessary clutter in their lives, in the most uplifting self-help guide to better living since Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project.


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