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ANGELSPEAKE: How To Talk With Your Angels

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Mark, Barbara & Griswold, T
Simon & Schuster
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Your angels want to speak to you! It's important to them that you know who they are and that you receive their loving messages of guidance and support. It's easy to communicate with them. Now, in this simple, practical guide, Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswold show you that the act of writing to your angels and receiving answers means that you can take the initiative and ask for help, for understanding, for love. In Angelspeake you will learn how rewarding and helpful it is to meet your angels. Barbara and Trudy give you clear step-by-step instructions on how to bring angelic teachings into your life using the Four Fundamentals for initiating spiritual assistance: Ask for the angels to be with you. Believe and trust that they will be there. Let It Happen and begin writing. It's the same loving voice you have heard many times before. Finally, Say Thank You. It's that simple! Angelspeake is filled with inspirational angel teachings and true stories of people whose lives have been changed by association with the angels. Barbara and Trudy teach that you can receive helpful personal information by talking with your angels whether you are in a personal crisis, looking for a new job or relationship, or want to buy a house. The angels will help!

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