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LAWS OF SPIRIT: A Tale Of Transformation

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Millman, Dan
HJ Kramer/New World Library
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The Laws of Spirit opens with the story of Dan MillmanÆs encounter with a sage in the wooded hills near his home. Through stories, tests, and experiences in the wild, the sage challenges Millman to examine 12 core principles that underlie human existence: balance, choice, process, presence, compassion, faith, expectation, integrity, action, cycles, surrender, and unity. The book shows how these keys ù at the heart of every religion, culture, and moral system ù can lead to a deeper sense of meaning, connection, and harmony with the world. It also shows readers how these principles can transform relationships, careers, finance, and health. Quotations and reminders from across the centuries inform and inspire readers as they accompany Millman on his journey.

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