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DeLaune, Valerie
New Harbinger Publications
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'I have such a bad headache!' For many of us, this is an oft repeated cry of anguish. Statistics about headaches and migraines are downright astonishing: One in six people have frequent headaches, and of those, one in ten suffers from migraines. You are not alone. Headaches and migraines result in more than 10 million doctor visits each year. If you struggle frequently with headache pain, this book offers a welcome solution. Trigger point therapy is an effective self-care approach you can use to get relief from headache pain. Trigger points form in a portion of the muscle cell where blood flow is reduced and metabolic wastes are not being exchanged for oxygen and nutrients. When enough trigger points are located together, they can form palpable knots in the tissue. Trigger points can cause pain, either in the area of the trigger point, or by referral to other areas of the body. Trigger points can be treated by applying pressure to affected areas, often providing instant relief. This book explains trigger point physiology and then offers a complete program for self-care that includes detailed illustrations of all pressure and stretching techniques. In addition, it provides an in-depth look at the factors that cause and perpetuate trigger points, such as body mechanics, injuries, diet and nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and emotional factors, and provides solutions to address each perpetuating factor. 'Headaches are among the most common ailments, and any resource to help sufferers is a welcome addition. With this book, Ms. Delaune gives you a tool you can use to help yourself. The photos are excellent, and the text is very easy for anyone to understand.' -Honora Lee Wolfe, certified acupuncturist and author of 'Managing Menopause Naturally with Chinese Medicine' and 'Points for Profit' 'Valerie DeLaune's Trigger Point Therapy for Headaches and Migraines delivers highly effective, safe, and easy-to-learn self-care techniques that will help to engage the patient as an active partner in easing pain and improving body function. I can therefore confidently recommend this book to anyone who suffers from stubborn head, neck, shoulder, or back pain and dysfunction.' -Bernard L. Gladieux, Jr., president of The Pressure Positive Company

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