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LIVING INTO HOPE: A Call To Spiritual Action For Such A Time As This

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Skylight Paths Publishing
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zAs people of faith, we are the people of hope.z From this inspirational premise, Rev. Campbell leaps into the underlying question: zHow do we live into this hope?z Drawing on her amazing life experiences, this visionary minister speaks out on the pressing issues that face us today: race, reconciliation, forgiveness, love, justice, choices, and community. With a bold, distinctive voice, Campbell asserts that we have the capacity to transcend the barriers we have constructed that separate us from one another. She poses that zwho is my neighbor?z may well be the most crucial question in our world where so many are hungry and hurting and weary of war. She calls us to life lived fullyznot carefully or cautiously, but fully engaged with the world and with the messiness of humanity. And she dares us to act as the one people we are called and created to bezto claim our freedom to care, to risk, and to step out into the unknown.The first book by Dr. Campbell, Living into Hope captures the essence of her wisdom gained from years of world travel and experience, and offers inspiration and challenge for all who would claim their lives as people of hope.

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