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DECODING THE ENOCHIAN SECRETS: God's Most Holy Book To Mankind As Received By Dr. John Dee From Angelic Messengers

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Inner Traditions / Bear & Co
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The ultimate source text of Enochian Magic never before available in book form • Contains the actual and complete Tables of Enoch given to Dr. John Dee by the Angels • Explains the difference between Dee’s Tables of Enoch and the apocryphal Book of Enoch • Includes directions for powerful magic rituals and meditations using these tables • Presents a reconstruction of the possible 49th missing Table of Enoch Originally considered a vital part of inspirational literature used by the early church, the Book of Enoch never made it into the cannon or accepted books of the Old Testament because of its strange and mysterious content about Enoch’s experiences in the higher realms, or heavens. The real Book of Enoch, which is a set of almost 100 mystical tables, was given again to humankind in the 1580s, when it was conveyed directly by angels to Dr. John Dee, a 16th-century mathematician, scientist, occultist, and the astrologer of Queen Elizabeth I. Called “the most important book ever given to man by God” by Dee’s angelic messengers, the Book (or Tables) of Enoch is said to hold all the secrets of heaven and earth and the physical and spiritual realms. Decoding the Enochian Secrets reproduces for the first time ever the exact and complete copy of these tables, which are housed in the British Library. The tables are written in the handwriting of Dr. Dee and Edward Kelly, Dee’s assistant and scryer. The tables also include the phonetic pronunciations, written by Dee in the margins, of all the magical Enochian Calls. Covering the history of this Book or Tables of Enoch, John DeSalvo explains the difference between these tables and the apocryphal Book of Enoch and examines how later magicians such as Aleister Crowley used them. Including Enochian Magic Meditations and rituals, Decoding the Enochian Secrets presents the source text to the most powerful form of magic known to mankind.

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