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TWO TRANSFORMATIONAL PROGRAMS IN 14 INDIVIDUAL LESSONS TRANSMITTED BY BENEVOLENT BEINGS FROM HIGHER REALMS Michael Barton was a businessman residing in Los Angeles who found his life changed when his best friend Jim, became very ill with a condition that baffled the best doctors. While meditating over his buddy's deteriorating condition Michael found he was able to receive telepathic communications beamed to him from more advanced cosmic souls. NOT WANTING to alienate his business clients, but desperate to get the information he had collected out to a growing number of adherents in UFO and New Age philosphies, he began to self-publish courses and monographs under the pseudonym of Michael X. His work was read and distributed widely as believers and skeptics alive instinctivelly recognized the importance of its contents. There are 11 courses in all covering a variety of topics. VENUSIAN HEALTH MAGIC contains a wealth of vital instruction and inspiration for all of you wonderful souls who have come to know that you are not alone. Intelligence and love direct the universe, and always are 'at your service' to lift you upward into a healthier, happier and higher vibration. Our Space Brothers -- tells us that no one on earth need be sick, or wracked with pian, or filled with a hopeless despair IF the amazing health principles they have unselfishly brought to us, are practiced. The Health Magic of the Planetary Teachers is intended for all earthlings who have a burning desire to leave poor health behind forever, and go on to wonderful joys and activities, that come only to the healthy. Due to the fact that the Space Brothers are much further advanced in their understanding of man than we are, they have learned all about the electric power that makes the human body fuction as it does. They discovered that radiant health and vitality could be stepped up by the simple means of increasing one's intake of Life Electricity, through a positive diet and by a conscious direction of what they call 'Life Trons.' VENUSIAN SECRET SCIENCE is unlike anything you have ever studied before. This is due to the fact that it comes to you from another world. As you study this course, you will discover how your mind can gradually become a 'channel' for communication with advanced VENUSIAN beings so that the SECRET SCIENCE that have developed canbe transmitted to all that are ready to receive it. This wonderful Science was developed by far wiser beings than I, and is not the result of one or even a dozen brilliant minds. Many THOUSANDS of human minds concentrated together under the direction of the Lord Thinkers to produce a Super Science for the good of all humankind everywhere. Three basic principles - LIFE VENUSIAN SECRET SCIENCE was discovered formulated and designed into a workable system THIRTY THREE MILLIONS YEARS AGO, and it has never failed todo the marvelous things it was intended to do from the very beginning. For this good and noble reason planet Venus has become a POSITIVE world, even though it is in a different dimension than our own planet.'

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