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REVOLUTION OF THE DIALECTIC: Esoteric Psychology & Meditation - new edition

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'Society is the extension of the individual...Therefore, if the individual fundamentally changes, the world will inevitably change.' On this basis, Samael Aun Weor gives his most stunning examination of the state of our world and how to save it. One of the last of his seventy books, The Revolution of the Dialectic is a sweeping, penetrating look into our mind and the psychological states that make us suffer. It is also perhaps his most practical and useful book, for here we are given a masterful explanation of the precise, ancient method to eliminate suffering and revolutionize our lives. His practical and clear synthesis of the universal psychological teachings found in ancient religions and esoteric traditions gives the means by which we can grow and develop psychologically and spiritually. Moment to moment watchfulness of oneself (self-observation) in combination with revolutionary meditation techniques leads to the awakening the consciousness, the emergence of genuine happiness, and the restoration of a humane and just society. 'If we really want a radical change, if we want a better world, we need to then change individually. We need to change within ourselves; we need to alter within our own individuality the abominable factors which produce misery and pain in the world.' - Samael Aun Weor

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