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BOWING: A Moving Meditation For Personal Transformation

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Best Life Media
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Bowing is the most beautiful of human activities, representing all of life in its most poetic form. It is also one of the best exercises. The simple, repetitive motion uses every major joint and muscle in your body, pumps your heart, and makes you sweat. Used by Asian cultures for centuries, this moving meditation strengthens your body, mind, and spirit. Bowing: A Moving Meditation for Personal Transformation brings this ancient meditative practice into modern times with step-by-step instructions and illustrations. Let this inspiring book show you how to build strength, cultivate humility, and embrace oneness through the simple act of bowing. After only a few weeks of practice, you will enjoy greater vitality, profound centeredness, and an uplifted spirit. Like other forms of meditation, bowing helps you develop discipline and a focused, centered mind. It is more grounding than traditional forms of sitting meditation, because it also requires flowing movement and physical strength. This movement gets the body's energy flowing and naturally brings up joy and gratitude for your physical being. Bowing is also a great way to start and end your day, because it helps you more easily process your goals and tasks, as well as the daily events you encounter. This guide takes you through the entire process of bowing, step-by-step, with many illustrations. It will help you understand this ancient discipline and how practicing it can have profound impacts on your life. Whether you are looking for an integrated body mind spirit workout or a deep spiritual discipline, this book is all that you need to start bowing today.

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