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IN RESONANCE WITH NATURE: Holistic Healing For Plants & Land

$35.00 each

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Floris Books
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Around the world, as well as close to home, much of our land is in crisis. Harmful pollutants have left plants, soil, fields and forests seriously damaged, and our future on this planet in the balance. This timely book examines a number of theories of natural energy, and presents practical techniques for diagnosing and healing plants and land, including the use of vibrations. A variety of projects conducted by Hans Andeweg have proved his methods to be remarkably successful in improving the vitality of treated areas, including forests, estates and gardens. Through progressive exercises the author demonstrates how you can start your own healing projects, even on the smallest scale. He also looks at what it means to have 'green fingers', and the remarkable influence of our own attitudes towards plants and trees. This is an important book about how we, for good or ill, affect the natural world and what we can do to repair the damage that is all too evident around us.


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