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DIVINING MIND: A Systematic Approach To Becoming An Expert Dowser

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Ross, Terry & Wright, Richard
Destiny Books
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The art of divining, or dowsing, has for years been cloaked in mystery and superstition.á Recognized by some as a means of finding water and minerals, it is actually a method for anyone to develop intuitive skills.á This thought-provoking book demystifies dowsing and presents this ancient science as a powerful tool for self-knowledge.á Includes a brief history of dowsing, and step-by-step instructions for learning to use L-rods, Y-rods, and pendulums, as well as non-device dowsing.á áShows how dowsing is used for locating water, gold and other minerals, buried artifacts, ancient ritual sites, and in police work to help find missing persons.


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