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GENEROUS FAITH: Stories To Inspire Abundant Living

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Paraclete Press
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Popular radio personality, Sr. Bridget, wants you to know and feel the abundance of life with God This simple and joy-filled book opens our hearts to what is in the air we breathe, under our feet, and in this very moment: the abundant life, a gift from God. As Sr. Bridget says with her infectious enthusiasm, all we need to do is cultivate this awareness through three basic practices: - Living in the moment - Trusting in Divine care, and - Experiencing God's presence. This is not a how-to book of methods and techniques. Rather, it is a collection of stories that give shape and face to these three practices. The people in these stories ask us to re-examine our own journey and change our perspective. In so doing, we take a second look at our life, and realize that what we have is more than enough for it is, quite simply, most abundant.


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