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CELTIC DRAGON TAROT - book + deck set

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Conway, D J & Hunt, Lisa
Llewellyn Publications
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Dig into ancient Celtic lore as your magic and divinations bask in the fiery breath of The Celtic Dragon Tarot by D. J. Conway and Lisa Hunt. Using her knowledge of the ancient Celts and working with the ancient dragon energies, Conway has designed one of the most vivid and powerful Tarot decks ever. Renowned fantasy artist Lisa Hunt created the art for this deck. Her brilliant and surprisingly intense watercolor amplifies the meanings of the cards. Her different types of dragons are filled with passion and life that will bring chills to your spine as you look at each card of the tarot deck. The Celtic Dragon Tarot is a set that combines a full-color, 78-card deck and a 240-page book, A Guide to the Celtic Dragon Tarot. Together, they can empower your readings, your magic, and your heart. No words can really express the beauty of this tarot deck. The amazing detail to attention on each card, from delicate scrollwork on clothes to the intensity of the expressions on the people and many different dragons will astound you. The included 216-page book explains the symbolism and meanings of each card. Included are four Tarot spreads to help make The Celtic Dragon Tarot a part of your daily life. Also featured are instructions on how to meditate with this deck, including three guided meditations. Numerous spells are given that use this deck and candles for healing, luck, protection, love, and more. You’ll even learn how to develop your psychic abilities. Complete explanations of the symbolism on each card Divinatory meanings for each card Four Tarot spreads that you can use to do readings for yourself and others Spells using candles and this deck for healing, luck, protection, love, and more How to meditate with this deck, including three guided meditations Understand past-life influences on the present Develop psychic abilities The Celtic Dragon Tarot is an exciting new addition to your magical life. Whether you are interested in the Tarot, the Celts, magic, or self-improvement, this book and deck are a must. Click here to view the artwork of The Celtic Dragon Tarot. Publisher Review:Recently, I’ve been looking at the nature of heroes, and how many heroes and gods of myth suffered from some flaw or punishment. Samson lusted for Delilah, leading to his downfall and victory. Hercules, after being made crazy by Hera (she was actually mad at Zeus, but turned in toward Hercules because, well, he was Zeus!) killed his wife and children. In penance, he performed his twelve amazing 'labors.' Hanuman, possibly the greatest mythic hero of India, was a nasty little boy and was cursed to not know of his great powers unless someone reminded him of them. At this point you’re probably wondering what this could possibly have to do with a Tarot deck that focuses on Dragons. Well, it has to do with the nature of Tarot and the book that accompanies this deck.  .  . read more.


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