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BUDDHA'S WAY OF HAPPINESS: Healing Sorrow, Transforming Negative Emotion & Finding Well-Being In The Present Moment

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New Harbinger Publications
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Happiness is always available. This simple truth is difficult to remember, though, amid our anxieties about the future, regrets about the past, and constant longing to change our lives for the better. Humans naturally focus on what is frightening and disturbing rather than the nurturing, pleasant experiences that happen all around us. This book shows readers how to differentiate true happiness from momentary joy and pleasure in order to foster an everyday deep contentment that transcends the excitement of 'special' experiences. With the view that happiness is a process, not a goal, author Thomas Bien explains the six most common barriers to happiness: the belief that happiness is elusive, the belief that one doesn't deserve to be happy, the belief that happiness is something that will happen in the future, the belief that one can only feel happiness after a goal has been fulfilled, a dualistic perception of reality, and the illusion of space and time. He also presents exercises and meditations readers can use to overcome each obstacle.


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