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CHAKRA FOODS FOR OPTIMUM HEALTH: A Guide To The Foods That Can Improve Your Energy, Inspire Creative Changes, Open Your

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Conari Press
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Nutritionist and yoga practitioner Deanna Minich's 'Chakra Foods' provides information on how to heal emotional and physical woes through making the right food choices. The material for this book developed out of the authoras highly successful 'Nutrition for the Soul' classes, workshops, and private counseling sessions. Not a diet book, it looks at both the nutritional and spiritual aspects of the foods we eat and how they can heal us. For example, someone feeling stuck in their lives could turn to chapter 5 and find a list of orange foods -- apricots, carrots, salmon, pumpkin, oranges -- to help their sacral chakra. For each chakra, specific affirmations and other practices are also offered, as are meal plans and recipes. Helpful lists, charts, and diagrams help readers easily pinpoint and diagnose themselves and the various prescriptive options are all very clearly explained. With lots of useful sidebars, this book really is a treasure trove of energy medicine in the form of food -- truly food for the body, mind, and soul! * Looks at the energetics of what and how we eat and how to rebalance through healthier choices. * Easy to implement and stick with plan.


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