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Banzhaf, Hajo & Theler, B
Weiser Books
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Toward the end of his notorious life as a radical among religious believers, Aleister Crowley developed a new tarot deck, which was published in 1944 as The Book of Thoth, named after the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and magic spells. Crowley let all his magical knowledge flow into these cards. Since he was a highly educated, widely-traveled man and an extraordinarily well-versed authority of esoteric traditions, it is no wonder that this tarot deck fascinates us and has remained unsurpassed to this day in its symbolic content and complexity.Hajo Banzaf and Brigitte Theler provide basic background about the tarot and its use. They discuss various decks, setting the stage for an in-depth examination of Crowley's deck. They answer frequently asked questions about what you can and can't learn from the cards, how they work, how to give a reading, and how to deal with 'predictions of disaster'. They also offer eighteen different card spreads to address specific questions. The unique feature of this book is the cook-book section that describes every card in the deck. While many people know how to work with the symbolism of the Waite deck, most are not comfortable with the Crowley deck and find his book to difficult to understand. This easy-to-use reference provides a handy dictionary and overview so you can readily check card meanings and interpret the symbols for different occasions. Included are the number, glyph, astrological attribute, general meaning, what the card encourages, what it warns against, and how you can use it if you draw it as your 'card for the day' or 'card for the year'.With so few books on the market that explain the Crowley tarot as clearly as this one does,Keywords for the Crowley Tarot is sure to become a classic in every tarot library!


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